Facebook Mobile Important Missing Functions to Make Money

Love it or hate it, Facebook earns themselves millions of active users, a Billion to be exact if we include duplicate and fake accounts. With these numbers, Facebook sure deserves to hold the title of one of the busiest social network. Facebook also proves their success in hosting small and large businesses and make them selves more than just some time-pass social gathering.

According to reports, 60% of those millions of active users join Facebook from their mobile devices. These numbers are begging Facebook to do something with their mobile websites and clients.

Although for comment, casual chats, personal status and picture updates mobile Facebook sites and clients are doing a fine job, but for more energetic, more active, advance and most importantly the business page owners, Facebook for mobiles are a cry for mercy.

There are numbers of simple but very important features missing from their mobile clients. Of course some users find their way around to get their job done while others find themselves standing clueless, lost and frustrated. In result Facebook loose their potential ad paying users.

In order to make money, Facebook need to keep their valuable users happy and give them control to stay on top of everything they do without going to sit in front of their PCs or without going into complications on other devices. For them Facebook needs to pay special attention in fixing these following functions at least in their mobile websites.

Basic Navigation: Basic top and bottom navigation menus should be on everywhere. It disappears in picture view.

Share Button: Facebook recently added Share function in one of their mobile websites but it appears only on News Feed. Share button should be on everywhere like it is on full site. User should be able to share posts to Facebook Pages and Groups. Currently it shares only to personal profile.

Page Notification: Notifications for Facebook Pages used to be available but removed few months ago. They should be brought back as soon as possible.

Use Facebook as (Page): A very important function for business page owners and admins where they can switch personal ids to their Pages.

Upload pictures to Page and Albums: Uploading pictures is not available on their basic mobile site and should be taken care of by now.

List of Liked Pages: This long-awaiting feature is recently introduced on Facebook full site and should be on to mobile sites too same as Groups List, but more organized.

Cover Photo and Pinned posts: It might be not as important as others but for business pages it should be seen as one of urgent-to-fix functions for mobiles too.
Facebook Mobile Important Missing Functions to Make Money Reviewed by Munir Rahool on 10:20 PM Rating: 5

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